Health and Safety Research in Offshore Renewables Workshop

DemoSATH design assessment
PREDICARG: optimizando la vida útil de los sistemas de fondeo para la eólica flotante
Saitec inicia la tramitación de GEROA, el primer parque eólico marino en la Costa Vasca

The rapid advancement of offshore wind energy deployment in the UK and the accelerating growth of the Floating Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal energy sectors, both industry and regulators recognize that Health and Safety standards and practices need to be adapted to the working environment and keep pace with the specific risks associated with working to deploy these technologies.

On May 11th, 2021, Saitec Offshore Technologies has participated in the Health and Safety Executive and Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub workshop for Health and Safety Research in Offshore Renewables. At Saitec we are very interested in contributing to future research in the offshore wind sector. The workshop’s selected themes are applicable and transferable not only to UK but to other countries. The aim is to identify challenges and gaps in Health and Safety Research, gather evidence and knowledge to support the development of a roadmap that will be promoted to the renewable energy community for support and engagement.

It was a great opportunity to share views about health and safety with others HSE professionals and influence the health and safety research to meet industry’s needs.

Saitec Offshore Technologies was represented by Hector Zarraga, HSE Manager, whose participation focused on one of the selected topic: “Fire, emergency and evacuation strategies”. For the ORE industry, it is a subject where more efficient and standardized guidelines must be developed, to guarantee to workers their safety in the event of a fire and a quick and safe escape and evacuation from the installation.